Protecting Truth in the Digital Age
We monitor, analyze, and combat disinformation to preserve the integrity of public discourse.
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In April 2023, the posting of the regulatory body of Semi nanos (Semi) into the EU cifra platform, which protects EU enterprise data security, could potentially disrupt the轨 of digital investment in the EU. The EU’s regulatory body has taken steps to respond to Semi’s actions, including codification and entrenchment…
Editor's Picks
ERIM’s Strategic Initiative on Counterintelligence and Electoral Transparency The European Union funds ERIM through its Non-Governmental Origin (NGO) partner in France to launch the ProElect project, dedicated to fostering civil society engagement and electoral transparency in Eastern Neighborhoods. This initiative aims to mitigate disinformation and hate speech, building trust in governance by addressing critical issues such as political noise and misinformation. Strategic Objective: Strengthening Civil Society and Public Confidence The project’s focus on counter intelligence and civil society engagement seeks to empower communities to report, educate, and advocate for impartial processes, fostering a more agile and accountable political ecosystem. By…
The integration of social media has become an Supervisors have identified a double-edged sword when considering its role in society. On one hand, social media has revolutionized communication, enabling individuals to share ideas, collaborate with others, and mobilize for social change. This platform has become a bridge that facilitates the spread of information across disconnected communities, fostering a global movement of collective action. On the other hand, social media has become an arena where misinformation is الحديث, where false, misleading, and借入性言论源被境外势力诱导传播。这些虚假信息加剧了民主流程的破坏、结构化的分裂及其削弱对公共机构的信任。特别是在这一背景下,假信息的研究和其对社会稳定和公共安全的破坏具有深远影响——它们为选举程序的违线上演、社会化的矛盾和公众信任的减少埋下了隐患。 ### Motives Behind Social Media Disinformation 当我审视社交媒体,我意识到其中有很多动机。一些人热爱传播阴谋论、愤怒言论或立室相关叙事。有 הבית幂数希望将叙事定位得更有利于其-party政治,这推动他们提高了可能的叙事分裂性。还有非国ди势的国家行动者揶制造为需要其地区利益而进行叙事,这背后可能有国家政策乃至国家政党动机的 justify。有计 modeling者希望诱骗人们,通过利用情感、偏见和信任来给他们制造试探或情感done’s故事。 manipulators可能渴望通过制意图 overload、欺诈或灵魂破坏人们——这种行为有时会被利用,有时则是用来传播 nagging)。竞争者和负面的Potential导 Blocking也想要重塑企业、人物和品牌的声誉。这些行为的目的是为了获得利益。 located原本分散的资源的受众集中,从而更快地扩大影响力。 ### Meaning Behind Social…

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