A disturbing video depicting a bull being shot in the head has recently gone viral across various social media platforms, with a misleading narrative that links it to Kerala Congress media in-charge Mohammed Mujahid Islam and suggests that it was filmed in celebration of Priyanka Gandhi’s victory in the Wayanad by-election. The false claim has gained traction, particularly on X (formerly Twitter), where users have circulated the video with incendiary captions, assertively accusing Congress and spreading messages intended to incite anger against Muslims. However, investigations by BOOM reveal that the viral video has been circulating since May 2024, initially attributed to a violent incident in Manipur rather than any political activity in Kerala.
The clip surfaced alongside allegations involving Christian groups purportedly targeting Hindus, demonstrating the ways in which misinformation can exploit communal tensions within India. The immediate aftermath saw PETA India, a prominent animal rights organization, take note of the graphic footage, leading them to contact the cyber crime police in Manipur to investigate the circumstances surrounding the video. PETA’s engagement underscores the need for accountability regarding animal cruelty, as expressed in their Twitter communications regarding their intentions to collaborate with local authorities to establish the video’s origins and pursue legal action if necessary.
Priyanka Gandhi’s recent electoral win as an MP in Wayanad has been celebrated within Congress, reflecting grassroots support for her party. However, the virulent claims tied to her victory paint a contradictory picture, whereby her supporters are accused of committing acts of violence against animals as a form of hate-driven celebration. In the viral posts, users are urged to escalate the issue to the Home Ministry to spark arrests of implicated individuals, creating a dangerous conflation of political triumph and animal rights violations.
After further investigation into the video’s origins, BOOM discovered that it had previously been labeled as an event from Manipur, reportedly involving threats from Christian Kuki terrorists against Hindus. The dialogue within the video was identified as being in the Thadu dialect, a language associated with the Kuki community, prompting responses from local law enforcement. PETA’s Associate Director, Meet Asher, revealed that the organization’s Cruelty Response Team is actively collaborating with Manipur’s police to ascertain specifics about the incident captured in the video.
In a bid to mitigate the spread of this misleading narrative, the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee has issued strong denials regarding the claims associated with the viral video. Deepthi Varghese, who holds the role of general secretary for the committee, has stated unequivocally that there is no individual named Mohammed Mujahid Islam within their ranks, dispelling the rumors that the person featured in the video is affiliated with Congress. This disavowal is important not only for protecting the integrity of the party but also for contesting the inflammatory rhetoric surrounding religious communities in India.
Adding more context, historical references to similar incidents of animal cruelty—such as a 2021 case from the Ukhrul district—have surfaced, indicating that the video may not be a recent event associated with the controversial political climate in Kerala. This revelation further complicates the narrative and highlights the importance of discerning the factual accuracy of content circulated on social media, particularly when they potentially undermine communal harmony and incite violence. Ultimately, BOOM’s investigation confirms that while the video is indeed alarming and should be investigated, the connections made to Mohammed Mujahid Islam and Priyanka Gandhi’s electoral victory are unfounded and misleading.