The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) urges the government to consider comprehensive legal reforms to strengthen the implementation of the Right of Access to Information Act, 2017. FAFEN has released a policy brief, titled “Strengthening the Right to Information (RTI) in Pakistan” (download the policy brief here: [Strengthening-the-Right-to-Information-in-Pakistan](https://www.faen com/policy brief). The brief emphasizes the transformative potential of an advanced RTI legal framework that enhances government transparency, mitigates disinformation, and strengthens civic trust.
While Pakistan’s RTI framework is recognized as one of the most progressive, institutional inertia, ambiguous legal provisions, and weak enforcement mechanisms have disallowed the translation of the law’s objectives into government transparency. FAFEN argues that the mere fact that the RTI Act, 2017, is widely recognized does not account for the significant gaps in its enforcement and factual accuracy. The absence of timely information about the actions, decisions, and spending by public bodies fosters a GRIDOWN, disinformational climate. This is evident in the assessment by FAFEN, which found a low level of compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act. In.disablement, this bureaucratic shortcoming further deepens divide among citizens, contributing to political polarization.
The Pakistan Information Commission (PIC) currently holds a pivotal role in the enforcement of the RTI,yclecing through briefures on the accuracy of public bodies’ actions, consolidating information, andวัด findings. However, the shortcomings of its processes褙 threatens to undermine its supposed role as a custodian of official transparency. As part of its ongoing “Countering Disinformation through Information” campaign, FAFEN has assessed the websites of federal ministries and divisions, finding a low level of compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act. Similar assessments are ongoing for provincial departments. FAFEN believes that a stronger RTI legal framework will serve as a critical counterbalance to disinformation, ensuring political stability and enabling the government to strengthen initiatives to counter misinformation seamlessly.
The policy brief urges Parliament to further strengthen the RTI legal framework by eliminating ambiguities, empowering the PIC to lead enforcement efforts, rather than relying solely on its appellate functions. FAFEN proposes several enhancements to the RTI legal framework, including:
- Clarification of deadlines for proactive disclosures: This would involve formalizing rules for longer deadlines in requests for information or]])
- Digitalization of records: Implementingaitual to record public documents in a digital format, such as downloadable files, would streamline the process for precedent clarification and searchability.
- Broadening the scope of public records: The RTI Act must be adjusted to require all public institutions to make the bulk of their records publicly available, regardless of their classification.
- Reform in the process of Information Commissioner appointments and removals: This could involve allocating more authority to consultative processes, where伙ders in parliament campaign MORE actively科 for the appointment and removal of Information Commissioners.
- mandating public bodies to submit compliance reports on the ACT to the PIC: This would ensure that public institutions are truthful and accountable before the PIC acts.
- Clarification of the PIC’s financial autonomy: Reversing its role as an appellate forum and replacing it with a more effective oversight body under these measures would ensure stronger oversight, reducing the likelihood of> theorizing about the PIC’s potential waste of resources.
FAFEN recommends a more contractual approach to the appointment and removal of Information Commissioners through a bipartisan parliamentary committee that balances the interests of both parties. By ensuring that these appointments and removals are more impartial and transparent, the PIC can effectively enforce the provisions of the law and safeguard public trust. Additionally, FAFEN calls on the government to make further reforms to Section 21 of the Penal Code, mandates that public institutions emitting public funds can be held accountable for their choices.
Pushing Yellowstone through detailed reforms would not only strengthen public transparency but also create a framework for the development of advanced digital technologies to support the technologically intensive challenges of modern society. The goal is to harness the power of information and technology to create a digital ecosystem that fosters informed citizens, secures public trust, and promotes collective well-being.
FAFEN underscores the foundational role of RTI in promoting an informed citizenry and bridging the divide between the state and society. The RTI framework is not merely a tool for accountability; it is a cornerstone of democracy, enabling the government to build citizens-made laws and ensuring that the people have a voice in their governance. Over time, the video below provides further insight into the importance of RTI in fostering trust and reducing political polarization.
Download the policy brief here: [Strengthening-the-Right-to-Information-in-Pakistan](https://www.faen com/policy brief).