Summary of the Content: A Thoughtful Approach to Brand Engagement
Introduction: Shanghai: The Battle Between RTBs and FTC
In the emotional space of global marketing, Spencer Buck, the founder of Taxi Studio, argues for brands to shift from relying solely on "Rational Thinking Blocks" (RTBs) to "Functional Content Thinking" ( FTC ). RTBs, the belief in delivering facts like "99.9% bacteria kills" or "1000 songs in the pocket," have become overused and unreliable due to scientific research diminishing their validity. Instead, brands must adopt FTC, the belief in an organic living and understanding of human emotions.
The Decline of RTBs and the Rise of FTC
RTBs have dominated marketing, as seen in the controversial movie "Soylent louder," which navigated notoriously ill-received messages by presenting them from a fresh perspective. However, this strategy was quickly overshadowed by temperature and dissatiation, as people increasingly embrace emotion and self actualization. In a world teeming with information, individuals are more armed with biases and implausible claims. The shift from TTLs to FTC reflects an era where brands must discern between the rational and emotional aspects of marketing.
The Role of RTCs: Building Emotional Connections
While providing essential details (e.g., price), RTBs can create a strong emotional link to appeal. However, as "how" and "why" are often ignored, brands should invest in RTCs. These are stories designed to hang emotionally, addressing emotional drivers that connect consumers to products. For instance, the Apple ad for the new Steve Jobs "Fires a ‘Crazy Ones’贴牌," doesn’t emphasize technical features but instead instills a sense of urgency and excitement, fostering a lasting historical connection.
The Responsibility of Brands and Agents to Construct Emotional Lines
A brand loses its value if it departs from these emotional connections, as research shows that 95% of purchase decisions stem from subconscious cognitive processes. Agents must not only screen content but also engage emotionally, using smart analytics to harness potential. Understanding "why" behind residents’ purchases is key, as it impacts their decision-making from calculations.
Conclusion: Ethical Responsibility and Emotional Engagement
Redefining the role of RTBs and FTC necessitates brands’ ethical responsibility to engage emotionally and build genuine connections. This approach enhances trust, recaptures the viewer’s attention, and aids decision-making. As_result, brands that explore "why" and build emotional ties will standing long upon their values.
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- **What:_city-their-brands drive AI to engage emotionally.
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