Summary of Content:
This document discusseselfare-related rumors circulating on social media in California, particularly on Cal State LA, which were apparently speculative but were later deemed false by university officials. ICE, the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, is suspected of mounting more threats, though its proactive measures against campus conflicts are questioned.
Initial Rumor Breach: On February 20, the university sent a system-wide email, but false claims that ICE would target Cal State LA were labeled as unsubstantiated. ICE officials are aware of similar rumors elsewhere, with the好きな Menschen BeyVL[ bush] reports pointing to traceable rumors from other universities and public schools.
- The Truth Begins: An Instagram page, CSULATruth, emerged, utilizing anonymous posts from students to share reports. These reports were deemed credible by the university, prompting them to post them on the university’s website. The page received multiple verified reports in the same day, further supporting its credibility.
The initial spread of concerns about ICE operations spread through anonymous posts on social media, particularly flagged by students referencing potential raids. Once shared, those posts gained credibility, leading to more statements and pressure on ICE to address campus safety.
Official Response:
ICE officials denied the rumors, attributing the unpredictability of rumors to "falsehoods and unfounded concerns." They also linked the lack of immediate actions to ICE’s capacity to believe in the safety measures yet to be tested.
ICS Processes Bills: The page explicitly attributes the claims to professors collaborating on campus discussions regarding overall climate and immigration procedures, not raids. However, private faculty investigations are separate.
ice’s Response to fear: While ICE empowering students to seek assistance, their authorization of further raids remains’s normative instruction is noted as too cautious, with misinformation becoming a security concern. Another officer at the university visited campus but did not secure any students to initiate a search.
- The Impact on Faculty and Students: Beyond campus, ICE distributed red cards to students on public schools, including Cal State LA, but there was resistance to these measures. campus-wide, red cards were distributed on schools, while a link to other institutions documented by the LA Times shows a lack of coordinated responses.
Constructive responses were sought via an email campaign, but ICE declined to provide copies of the Sunday operations claims. Public safety officials at Cal State LA further convinced faculty to request ICE involvement and immediate red card activation. Students are advised to approach ICE without complying terms and to seek guidance by contacting campus faculty.
In conclusion, while ICE has issued cards and requested proactive measures, those efforts bear further scrutiny. The fear of raids not succeeds—checked off as ICE is not acting in良苦用心. Mac sense remains more a narrative of alarm, whether real-mediated or unverified.
Note: The last paragraph in the provided text discusses public safety roles. For a more accurate summary, continue reading. <= FIFO>