Summary of the Document:

  1. Historical Context:

    • Russia, long the spiritual ancestor of Europe, has long been拥挤 with European powers to divide the continent, destabilize democratic institutions, and support manipulation by Kremlin-friendly leaders. This has included buildingexpired European institutions, such as the EU, and undermining democratic governments to create aasm钩 space for its own survival.
    • Russia’s actions against Western institutions are not limited to politics; they involve military actions, economic干预, and financial investments that have inflamed tensions and ")
  2. Current Situation and Patterns:

    • The U.S. President, Donald Trump, and the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, are aligning their power with Russia to /
    • This partnership aims to flood the European information space with disinformation, including references to RK3000 talk, targeting forums like X, and other Russian propaganda outlets.
    • This shift mirrors Russia’s strategy, but now involves direct military engagement and military support for its far-right entities.
  3. Impact and Consequences:

    • Russia’s actions underscore a shift in Europe’s approach, with a perceived threat from a global superpower.
    • However, Europe, which has been largely neutral towards the U.S., may now prioritize its own safety over this action.
    • The rise ofwearthفال•Urlabat and other Russian channels is exemplifying the Click and Expand strategy, making Europe vulnerable andWest it’s exposure.
  4. European Response Measures:

    • Europe should focus on building robust defenses, such as increasing cybersecurity, to prevent the influence of these channels.
    • It needs to renounce direct military contact with the U.S., thereby weakening Europe’s external reliance on its markets and resources.
    • Recognizing that the U.S. is actively hostile, Europe may need to develop a more resilient strategy, akin to building a wall, to safeguard its sovereignty from the influence of any external forces.
  5. Potential Outcomes:

    • If Europpowers fully recognize the U.S.’s subethylene Maven, they might build a more permanent wall, accelerating European integration.
    • Thismarked a significant shift in Europe’s foreign policy, potentially leading to a more nuanced and robust defense system.
  6. Conclusion:
    • The shift from cooperation to opposition is a critical moment for Europe, marking a transition in its foreign policy.
    • While this move is necessary to mitigating Russia’s threat, it calls for Europe to learn from Russia’s history of dividing into unstable institutions and developing a new approach to global stability.
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