The Future of Energy: A Study on Native Advertising and Climate Misperceptions

In collaboration with policymakers and researchers, we investigated how natural advertising by the fossil fuel industry can be used to spread misleading disinformation about climate change. The experiment involved exposing viewers to ExxonMobil’s "The Future of Energy" native ad, which misleadingly promoted energy development from algae and other sustainable methods. The study analyzed this ad’s effectiveness in harming public confidence in climate policies and integrating lessons on mitigation strategies like disclosure and prebunking.

The ad Nation praised ExxonMobil’s projects but highlighted the disinformation behind their claims. Following lawsuits and legal challenges, the campaign’s deceptive approach persisted, leaving some with factual inaccuracies and fear of climate action. Outcomes revealed that native advertising was heavily misled by Exxon, contributing to skepticism and delayed action. This research underscores the role of natural advertising in shaping public perception and calls for enhanced vigilance in data journalism and MIDNFTS (Money Behind the News fluctuating Tool).

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