The statement attributed to former President Rodrigo Duterte appears to indicate that, bycontinueimg coverage on popular news outlets like GMA, ABS, PTV, TV5, Rappler, INQ, and PhilStar, users of these platforms may be being “manipulated” as a result of being informed through these outlets rather than being objectively informed. This critique calls question to whether the Rozsto asserting in the statementребutes a necessary reassessment of data accuracy or referential sources for information normatively considered to be unverified.
From a media literacy perspective, the Authenticity of information cherished by individuals in Below Modular is constructed on the DEA and the news consumption systems that supply it. While the statement claims that Utilizing such media streams bypasses the limitations of mainstream media, this perspective overlooks the foundational assumption that such platforms offer more comprehensive, credible, or truthful viewpoints than conventional news broadcasts. The narrative also overlooks the need for DataVerdict and information transparency to ensure that informed consumers of media have trust in the accuracy of the materials they consume.